Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Chapters 7,8, 9 - Darby

Chapter 7 - Approaches

Chapter seven goes over tactical creative approaches to framing an idea. Examples of approaches can be seen as modes or methods of presentation, or an underlying scheme or framework. These types of hidden structures are essential in advertising to communicate messages. It is important to note the appeal of video as explained in this chapter. New media changes the way stories are told and how advertising is formed. Sites like Youtube are so popular that a subject of a personal video could unknowingly advertise a product just by showing people how they use it. In fact, I use youtube in this manner. I try products based on what my favorite Youtuber's like, even if they offer the disclaimer that they are not being paid to advertise. It is beneficial and persuasive to see videos of real people freely expressing their opinion of a brand.

Chapter 8 - Typography and Visualization

Chapter eight goes into depth about the nature of typography and how to select and mix typefaces. It also suggests that how you render a visual can deliver varying messages depending on the individual who is receiving the message. A quote that stuck with me in this chapter is "Typography makes language visual". This made me think more strategically about the selection of typeface instead of using it as simply an addition to an image or illustration. When type and image are combined, the work should be stronger than either o the two standing alone. I really enjoyed the Robynne Raye showcase at the end of the chapter. I found her Artwalk Posters to be a similar style in what I like to do in combining drawn letterforms and images along with typefaces.

In this poster by Paula Scher, both the typography and image command attention. However, the combination of the two strategically aligned brings the piece together in a way that's effective and stronger than each separate part.

Chapter 9 - Composition

Chapter nine defines composition and basic compositional structures. I learned the most from the section that covered how to direct the view through a composition. Composition facilitates how a viewer reads the piece, therefore, a composition is like an architectural space the viewer has to walk through. I am drawn to static pieces that can still represent movement. This is due to the action-oriented relationships of forms forming diagonals, value contrasts and acute shifts in scale. This was important for me to note in order to apply it to my own work.

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