Monday, April 8, 2013

Chapters 1,2,3,4 -mjaramillo

The first few chapters were great in introducing to us what advertising is and how it influences us every day. We see ads everywhere we look or go so it’s impossible for us not to look at them. Each ad has a message and an intended audience. They introduce us to the plans of how they come up with an ad and the creative process that goes into each piece in order to be successful.

The 6 phases to create a perfect/catchy ad talk about getting to know the client, strategy, ideas, design, printing production, and finally implementation.  All these phases as important because you have to examine each idea and put in everything into the design working with text, pictures, slogans, etc. in order to satisfy the clients requests and give it a specific style.

The third chapter talks about creative ideas which we also got a little information of the process and how they all play a role in the design. Basically creating a storyboard or sketching details.

The last chapter was about the brands and how we are very familiar with them. Each brand identifies the company to make it unique and recognizable with just the colors of shapes even if the letters aren’t there. Brands are very unique in their design and that’s what makes each product successful especially in car brands.

As a daily CTA user, I basically see ads everywhere and of all kinds mainly of food or restaurants. Usually with their newest dish or entrĂ©e with headers to catch the readers attention. Also, a lot of movie ads on these trains makes us  want to anticipate the upcoming movie.

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